Prepare to be inspired! In a world of Goliaths, we need stories of Davids to sustain us. With its gutsy, creative, and rousing tales of ordinary people creating extraordinary change,Small Acts of Resistanceproves it is possible-armed with a little ingenuity and a lot of passion-to bring down dictators, change unfair laws, fight injustice, and raise one's voice in freedom by defying those who would deny it. Spanning the globe and history,Small Actsputs a pop culture spin on human rights with its accessible and inspiring approach to international activism. From Albania to Zimbabwe, throughout Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe, Small Acts offers an engaging collection of over 90 stories celebrating courage, perseverance, and the resilience of the human spirit. They stand as powerful reminders that a defiant spirit can cause the invincible to crack and the unchangeable to change. SMALL ACTS, BIG EFFECTS: o Afghanistan: Voting for singers on the TV showAfghan Starbecame a way of reasserting Aghans' right to make their own choices in life o Burma: Citizens protested by stringing pictures of oppressive military leaders around Rangoon's stray dogs o Denmark: During World War II, the Danish hid Jewish citizens from the Nazis by checking healthy Jewish children into hospitals with fictitious illnesses and staging fake funerals which Jewish mourners attended o Iran: Furious tweets from protesters drew worldwide attention to the developing revolution o Peru: Mass washing ceremonies of "dirty linen" were a key ingredient in getting rid of Peru's unloved president, Alberto Fujimori, after more than a decade in power.
Small Acts of Resistance : How Courage, Tenacity, and Ingenuity Can Change the World