Written by the author of THE MODERN RPG LANGUAGE, this exciting new text is for anyone who would like to learn the interactive aspects of the RPG language. Its fourteen chapters, along with four appendices, are designed to help someone with little or no RPG III experience get up & running with interactive RPG III. In addition to the basics of interactive RPG III, the steps involved in creating several sample applications are illustrated in a cookbook approach with example display images, SEU prompts, PDM menus, & printed output results. Other topics covered include: RPG specification forms, language constructs, file declaration, operation codes, arrray handling, interactive (WORKSTN) DDS, file maintenance, & using SEU & PDM. 300 plus pages. Also available from Cozzi Research, THE MODERN RPG LANGUAGE WITH STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING, CL PROGRAMMING FOR THE IBM AS/400, & APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS FOR THE IBM AS/400. For orders & additional information contact Cozzi Research, 29W120 Butterfield Rd., Suite 101, Warrenville, IL 60555.
Telephone: (800) 552-9404, FAX: (708) 393-2936.