This book, which was previously published by Wayne State University, is the best and the last major work of Oliver C. Cox on race relations. All of his other books û ôCapitalism And American Leadership,ö ôCapitalism As A System,ö ôCaste, Class and Race, ôThe Foundations of Capitalismö and ôRace: A Study in Social Dynamicsö û were reproduced using state-of-the-art technology, and are now being offered for sale exclusively at The Oliver Cromwell Cox Online Institute. Scholars and educators of today who highly respect and admire Dr. CoxÆs work have recognized its value and importance to the field of education. Their sincere enthusiasm has encouraged the reprinting of these precious writings to serve as tools to educate this and future generations. A new era for his literature and philosophies dawns as Dr. Oliver Cromwell Cox is rediscovered.
Race Relations : Elements and Social Dynamics