"This volume brings together key figures in the study of humanism, and it offers tremendous insights and important perspective. It is must reading for anyone interested in understanding and contextualizing the significance and impact of humanist thought and praxis. I highly recommend it."-- Professor Anthony Pinn, Agnes Cullen Arnold Professor of Humanities, Rice University, Director of Research at the Institute for Humanist Studies, and editor of 'Humanism: what is it and why does it matter?' and 'Everyday Humanism' "As the president of a humanist association I welcome this volume, and as a working academic I'm excited to see the fertile territory of humanism marked out for greater study as a philosophy in its own right."-- Professor Jim Al-Khalili, President of the British Humanist Association " The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Humanism is the new authoritative guide to the subject. A rapidly-growing worldwide alternative to religion, Humanism has emerged as the critical moral movement of our times. In this volume, for expert and novice alike, the latest thinking and research on the subject are opened up from historical, philosophical and moral standpoints. Chapters are organised around major themes, ranging from essential philosophical positions within Humanism, through Humanism's cultural origins and manifestations, and onto the implications of Humanism as an applied moral position in civil life, architecture, funerals and literature.
The book finishes with six chapters on the role of humanism in key contested debates of our times - ranging from feminism to spirituality. With specialist contributors providing detailed accounts in their fields, each chapter is written with a verve and insight that bowls the reader along. This is the essential book to make Humanism accessible to the modern reader."-- Professor Callum Brown FRSE, Professor of Late Modern European History and Convenor of the Humanist Studies Hub, University of Glasgow "Humanism is so often overlooked, but I believe it is both the most rational and positive philosophy for life. And it's not a new thing - the history of humanist thought is deep and inspiring. This volume makes it more accessible both to scholars and the general reader."-- Professor Alice Roberts, University of Birmingham "This is an inspiring book that covers all the important issues of 21st century Humanism. The book couples the academic insights of important scholars to their deep commitment to the Humanist cause.
I recommend this book to all interested in learning about Humanism in an accessible, academic style and for use on my university as a thorough and fast introduction to current Humanism."-- Prof. Dr Gerty Lensvelt-Mulders, Vice-chancellor of the Humanist University of the Netherlands, Utrecht.