The Three Faces of Eve, a 1957 film directed by Nunnally Johnson, Psycho, Hitchcock's classic black-and-white film from 1960, and Shutter Island from 2007, directed by Martin Scorcese, have two things in common; all three films are incredible, and all three attempt to explain the riveting problems of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or what used to be called Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). In Lucy's world, the main character has at least eleven other identities that protect her from the horrendous pains of a childhood confused with sexual abuse and a lack of love and safety. Author David Cope seems to ask the question, how can we be so cruel to one another? And, is it any wonder that we turn into shattered people attempting in whatever ways we can to protect ourselves? The ending alone is worth the admission price.