At the beginning of the "Novecento", Italian poetry was represented by the Crepuscolari and the Futurists; the foremost member of the latter group was Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. Marinetti wrote the "Futurist Manifesto" to announce modernity in literature and in the visual arts, stimulating with his ideas and words the creative developments which in the Twentieth century have given rise to a great number of talented authors and groundbreaking works. Leading Modernist poets from later in the century include Salvatore Quasimodo (winner of the 1959 Nobel Prize in Literature), Giuseppe Ungaretti, Umberto Saba, who won fame for his collection of poems Il canzoniere, and Eugenio Montale (winner of the 1975 Nobel Prize in Literature). This volume offers an introduction to Italian poetry to readers of poetry from beginner level to upper intermediate.
Italian Poetry in Translation: Saba, Campana, Quasimodo, Ungaretti e Montale