I began this book four years ago. It began as a way of helping me heal from my first real heartbreak. Writing had always been my outlet for personal thoughts and expressions of love, being very shy, this came in handy. When I began writing this book, it began as a simple book of love notes aimed at those who found themselves in the same position as myself; hoping that at least one love lost individual would be able to relate, at the time, this was all I wanted. Once I felt that I had poured enough of my pain into the pages I laid down my pen. There was nothing more for me to write, so I thought. After a while, I began to notice that my situation hadn't changed, I was still moving from job to job. With only an 11th grade education there wasn't really much I could do except to go back to school but that had been years ago.
I really felt that I was better off teaching myself. I would look for things to write about, digest them, analyze them amd put them in my own words, how I saw them and what I felt. This is when it began to take shape far beyond just words of heartache. I could see things that no one else saw!.