Fussy eating Why might a child be a fussy eater? Routes to resolve for the child and parent Limited diet Why do children like certain foods and not others How to expand Refusal to eat at the table Why might the child refuse to eat at the table Why is it important? Best routes to encourage happy meal times for the child and parent Foods and food habits to avoid and why? The aim of the series to enable parents to remove stress from parenting: to help them resolve problems quickly with straightforward solutions that can be used time and time again. Chapter 1 (What to Know) What is normal for different ages Aim: to reassure parents, to help them consider their expectations of their children and themselves. Should parents think about what their own children are doing so they can judge where they are? Chapter 2: Help, My child has turned into someone else (What to expect) How might your child behave at different times. In behaviour: tantrums, defiance, hitting other children or snatching (What to do) How best to resolve the problems - what are the core principles for resolving issues? Chapters 3-6 Extended Tantrums Rudeness and swearing Hitting and kicking Defiance (What to know and expect) Other issues: How can they arise and play out? What can happen? - in terms of spirals of behaviour reinforced (What to do) What can parents do to resolve the behaviour? Chapter 7 What are the key qualities/skills to make family life more enjoyable? Realistic expectations Being positive Listening Consistency Engaging with your child Having times and routines that you and your children can enjoy together Chapter 8 What about you? Other factors for parents to bear in mind that may be causing them stress. Timeline: how soon can a parent expect to see a change for themselves and their children Advice for the parent if they hit a setback Conclusion Summary of the top 5 things a parent can do to manage their stress and enjoy mealtimes. Resources.
Meals Without Tears : How to Get Your Child to Eat Healthily and Happily