John Considine's four decade acting career in television and motion pictures included working relationships and close friendships with some of the giants of the business: e.g. George Stevens, Robert Altman, and Paulo Newman. A television writer of episodic shows and movies of the week, John also co-authored the Robert Altman film "A Wedding", and received a British Academy Award nomination for Best Screenplay. Perhaps his most celebrated role came on the daytime show, "Another World" in which he played the much hated 'billionaire-bastard', Reginald Love, again receiving a nomination his mother cringed at, "The person most hated by daytime viewers". John and his wife of 28 years, Astrid, live in a picturesque Northwest seaport in the State of Washington, where John is now at work on his first novel, entitled, "Canon Drive".
Improvising, My Life and Show Business