"The diverse views challenge orthodox ways of thinking about environmental issues and make for stimulating reading." -- Choice "Awareness of the degradation of our planet and the need for urgent international action should be the top priority of us all. As such I earnestly commend Green Planet Blues . Keep it on your bookshelf and dip into it regularly." -- London School of Economics Book Review Praise for prior editions: "As a professor of environment and development, I would be lost without Conca and Dabelko's Green Planet Blues . This edition builds gracefully from the must-read classics of the 1970s to today's need-to-know issues--such as globalization, the WTO, and the role of local and global civil society. Using a political economy lens to bring together a multiplicity of voices, Conca and Dabelko have assembled a spectacular volume." -- Dr.
Robin Broad, American University "This is the best and most lively introduction to the study of global environmental politics. The editors have assembled a rich and diverse array of voices that capture all of the key ideas, actors, conflicts and themes in this burgeoning field. The fourth edition of Green Planet Blues also confirms, yet again, the editors' finely honed skills in talent spotting." -- Robyn Eckersley, Head of Political Science, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Melbourne "In this updated edition of their classic textbook, Conca and Dabelko have produced a volume that stimulates and challenges. The diverse views represented in the volume challenge orthodox thinking, making for stimulating reading and class discussion. Where other volumes often present a consolidated view of the dominant thinking (or at least the dominant view in the U.S.), this volume provides readers with a much broader view of the perspectives of individuals and institutions shaping the dynamic of global environmental politics.
Moreover, the fourth edition reflects recent trends and new knowledge, notably in globalization and peacebuilding as well as more broadly. It is essential reading to understanding the dynamics shaping international environmental law and institutions now and in the foreseeable future." -- Carl Bruch, Senior Attorney and Codirector of International Programs, Environmental Law Institute " Green Planet Blues remains the only indispensable global environmental politics reader. It presents key readings that capture the major differences in thinking on critical issues in global environmental politics, including governance, justice, security, and sustainability. This is a book that has stood the test of time, and it remains an invaluable guide to past and present debates in global environmental politics. It is notable for its clear introduction, concise chapters, and strong representation of voices from the South, and this makes it a book for globally minded students everywhere." -- Jon Barnett, Associate Professor, University of Melbourne, Australia "The fourth edition of Green Planet Blues provides a thorough overview of global environmental policy and politics since the 1972 Stockholm summit. This up-to-date revised version is one of the few essential books for anyone interested in environmental issues, and particularly an excellent resource for students and teachers alike in this field.
Highly recommended." -- Ashok Swain, Director, Center for Sustainable Development, Uppsala University, Sweden.