Preparing to Pray will help people who want to engage in Lectio Divina, a traditional method of scripture prayer. It involves reading and reflecting on the word of God, with a view to praying to, and contemplating the God of the word. This book is designed to help with the first two steps, by providing perceptive, non-academic reflections on thematically chosen scripture texts. They seek to answer two questions. What do the verses mean in themselves? What is their relevance in my life? Hopefully, the 101 reflections will lead to a prayerful response and an experiential awareness of God. This book is a companion to Prayer in Practice (Columba, 2000). It has been written in the firm belief that there will be no genuine renewal in the church without a return to biblical spirituality. As Pope John Paul said in par.
65 of The Church in Europe (2003), 'Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ. May the Holy Bible continue to be a treasure for the church and for every Christian: in the careful study of God's word we will daily find nourishment and strength to carry out our mission.' Book jacket.