Nancy A. Collins is a United States horror fiction writer best known for her series of vampire novels featuring her character Sonja Blue. Collins has also written for comic books, including Swamp Thing, Jason vs. Leatherface, Predator: Hell Come A-Walkin' and her own one-shot Dhampire: Stillborn. Collins has written 20 novels since 1989, many of which refer to and directly include races of creatures the author calls Pretenders, monsters from myth and legend passing as human to better hunt their prey. Collins has also written a number of highly acclaimed Southern Gothic short stories and novellas, most of which are set in Seven Devils, Arkansas, a highly fictionalized version of her hometown. Most recently, she has focused her attention onto the Golgotham urban fantasy series, published by Penguin. Golgotham is the "supernatural" ghetto of New York City, where creatures from myth and folklore--including witches, shape-shifters, leprechauns and centaurs--live and work in uneasy alliance with mankind.
Enid Balám is a mexican comic artist and his work as debutant was in the third tome "Cutting Edge" Saga for French publishing house Delcourt in 2015, he then took a time to finish his postgrade degree on art production, resulting in the stablishing of a screenprint art shop, the exlibris format brought Enid Balám´s interest to Bandé dessinee album developing a visual statement combining both european and north american styles into a very personal voice. The artist drew his first graphic novel in 2018 for an L.A. based studio for Steve Stern adapting the script "Someday comes paradise" Following Enid worked in four numbers of the series OMNI for Humanoids L.A. His next assignment became ExtraOrdinary alongside acclaimed writer V.E.Schwab, during this period, he was requested by Marvel comics to be in charge of Reptil miniseries.