Reeling from the early death of her mother from cancer, Sally Collings saw nothing positive whatsoever about the disease. But then she read that two out of three cancer survivors and their families consider that something good has come of their experience and she decided to find out more. She sought out people who had encountered cancer - either personally or through someone close - and delved into what they thought. Positive represents a collection of voices: cancer survivors, carers, partners, parents, siblings. Together, their stories map out the terrain of the upside of cancer: the opportunity to draw together (as friends, as a couple, as a family); the torrent of support, love and prayers that are unleashed; the impetus to go deeper and embrace the strength, fears and purpose that lie within each of us. The collection includes voices and experiences from many well known personalities such as journalist Chris Reason, best selling author Stephanie Dowrick and Olympian Raelene Boyle.
Positive : Finding Life in the Midst of Cancer