This book provides a introductory non-rigorous overview of the Riemann Hypothesis. Complimenting a run through of the Riemann Hypothesis, this book provides a expanded theory of the Prime Number Theorem. The Riemann Hypothesis is directly tied to the Prime counting function. A proof of the Riemann Hypothesis would be amazing but also more research into the nature of Prime Numbers would add to that excitement. You may ask why are Prime Numbers important. As from a mathematical curiosity, Prime Numbers are used in Internet encryption and other secret access application. The enigma surrounding the distribution of Primes is what makes it so useful in the world of cryptology. In later chapters I describe new discoveries I found between Zeta zeros and physics to further support the physics approach to proving RH.
The next chapter starts were the excitement begins when it comes to the distribution of Prime Numbers and that is the discovery of the Zeta function by Leonhard Euler.