Part I. Wireless Basics.Chapter 1. Cutting the Network Cable.Chapter 2. Picking a Wireless Card.Chapter 3. Choosing Base Stationary.
Part II. Knitting a NetworkChapter 4. Building the Basic Home Network.Chapter 5. Picking a Location . or Two . or More.Chapter 6.
Networking Wirelessly Without a Base Station.Part III. It's (Almost) Fun and Games.Chapter 7. Streaming Music Wirelessly.Chapter 8. Saying Bonjour.Chapter 9.
Entertaining Your Guests.Part IV. Taking Care of Business.Chapter 10. Fitting In at the Office.Chapter 11. Hitting the Road.Part V.
The Part of Tens.Chapter 12. Ten Troubleshooting Tips.Chapter 13. Ten Wireless Security Measures.Chapter 14. Ten Obscure Facts about Wireless Technology.Chapter 15.
Ten Web Resources for Wireless Networking.Index.