Welcome to the core book and guide for Project NatureConnect's "My GreenWave" fiduciary lifetime community. In natural areas, the members of this online and on-site personal, social and environmental justice therapy support group improve their life and all of life. They accomplish this by mentoring themselves and each other while guided by the undisputed, self-evident facts of life this revolutionary wisdom book and course present. In the Community's 10-18 month learning process, readers optionally achieve subsidized, certification and degrees for transforming their life experiences and autobiography into psychologically organic personal and global relationships that increase well-being while they help those they love or work with do the same. As described at www.ecopsych.com/LNE.html, this book enables you to discover and let the greatest trustable truth of your life empower you to act out the goodness that you know you are as you strengthen it.
Guaranteed: you will discover that your greatest trustable truth is not God, Nature, Love or Honesty. History shows that without this missing link they have not prevented the miseries of today's falling apart world. Learn to support yourself and others in the creation of revolutionary wisdom relationships that you can add to your interests and livelihood. Become more authentic and loving. Participate with others in the art and science of our 54-sense, "person/planet reality show family," online, backyard and back country. Let your autobiography empower you become a certified ambassador or avatar for the life of Planet Earth's passion to survive, around, in and as us. Support the life of Earth by being its voice. Help yourself and others implement a GreenWave-54 "Rosetta Stone" tool that reasonably establishes loving communication and relationships with plant, animal, mineral and energy kingdoms of our planet.
Master how to liberate the natural essence of who we are and our natural wisdom. Our essence is excessively imprisoned in an insane, nature-deteriorating zoo whose cage bars consist of our 54 senses and sensibilities being paid and addicted to be cage bars. This nonsense disturbs the morality and ethics of our sense of reason and its pain and distress produce Earth Misery. Let the restorative life of Earth teach you how to help it reduce our nature-disconnected relationships that generate our illness, disorders, corruption and crippling budgets . Enable your contact with attractions in natural areas to speak for the silent ways that they, in concert, organically create optimums of life, diversity, cooperation, balance, love, peace, and well-being without producing garbage. Visit www.ecopsych.com/LNE.
html for further details. ADDITIONAL BOOK INFORMATION: . Nature lover, does this quote make sense to you? "Nature: where there's life, there's love." . The art and science of this book energizes into action the 54 senses of nature lovers as they delight in the Nature's "labor" of love in a natural area. There the life of Nature gives birth to itself in the "now" time and space of that environment, moment by moment, backyard or back country. You can earn $60 just by letting the Author know that you want to mentor this love process to increase personal, social and environmental well-being. www.
ecopsych.com/LNE.html . The Revolutionary Wisdom in this hands-on paperback/course/tool consciously attaches us to the unadulterated life of our Planet. We learn to teach how its love manifests itself as Mother Earth and how we benefit from it when we seek its virtues rather than deny or conquer them. Visit www.ProjectNatureConnect.com .