Beth I. Barol, PhD, LSW, BCB, NADD-CC - Dr. Barol has dedicated the past 44 years to serving and supporting people with Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) who also have challenging behaviors and co-occurring mental health issues. She started out as a direct support worker and live-in "houseparent" and has served a community-based project director, residential program director, facility director and clinician. She served as the Clinical Director for the PA office of Developmental Program's Statewide Training and Technical Assistance initiative focusing on individuals with dual diagnoses for 10 years. She has been working with Biographical timelines for over 30 years, and trained trainers in the process in Pennsylvania when she worked as the Clinical Director of the State-wide Training and Technical Assistance initiative, and through her consultation and training overseas. Her areas of special interest include: Positive Approaches with people with IDD and challenging behaviors including co-occurring mental illness, the effects of trauma, and neurological differences. She works on the behalf of these individuals through her clinical roles as well as through her experience in Group Process, Conflict Resolution, Partnership Building, Leadership Development, System Change, and Management.
She is trained in EMDR, Biofeedback, and Neurofeedback and is integrating these modalities in her current teaching and clinical work. Dr Barol was the 2020 recipient of the NADD Earl L. Loschen, MD award for clinical practice. She is currently an Associate Professor at Widener University's Center for Social Work Education and Associate Clinical Director of the Clinical Services for Vulnerable Adults clinic. She serves as co-Director of the Capacity Building Institute for Pennsylvania. Dr. Barol consults regularly in the U.S.
and internationally.