This volume contains the third consecutive set of annual proceedingsof the Rochester Symposium on Developmental Psychopathology. Contributions come from scholars who focus on model description, presentation of empirical data, and discussion of the implications of their work for developmental psychopathology. This integration of knowledge from diverse areas is combined with an exploration of how this knowledge can be put to use in a developmental perspective. DANTE CICCHETTI is Director of Mt Hope Family Centre, Rochester, a clinical and research facility serving high-risk populations of children and families; he is also Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, University of Rochester. SHEREE L. TOTH is Associate Directorof Mt Hope Family Centre.The contributors are: OVERTON, HOROWITZ, ACHENBACH, ANGOLD, COSTELLO, LOEBER, PENNINGTON, OZONOFF, BENES, WALKER, DAVIS, GOTTLIEB, DAWSON, CROCKENBERG, COVEY, LIEBERMAN, SELMAN, SCHULTZ, YEATES.
Models and Integrations