Chapter 1. "Meeting the Challenge of Translational Research in Child Development: Opportunities, Roadblocks, and Detours" (Dante Cicchetti & Megan R. Gunnar, University of Minnesota).Chapter 2. "Roots of Social Cognition: The "Like Me" Hypothesis" (Andrew N. Meltzoff, University of Washington).Chapter 3. "Lessons Learned from Autism: An Information Processing Model of Joint Attention and Social Cognition" (Peter Mundy, M.
I.N.D. Institute, UC Davis).Chapter 4. " Enhancing Self-Regulation In School And Clinic" (Mary K. Rothbart, Michael I. Posner, M.
R. Rueda , Brad E. Sheese , Yiyuan Tang Dept. of Psychology University of Oregon).Chapter 5. "Learning is Not a Four Letter Word: Changing Views Of Infant Language Acquisition (Jenny Saffran, University of Wisconsin).Chapter 6. "The Emergence of Emotion Regulation: Experience, Development, and Biology" (Seth Pollak, University of Wisconsin).
Chapter 7. "What Are Little Boys Made Of? Snips & Snails & Puppy Dog Tails. Etiological Bases Of Conduct Disorder And Related Conduct Problems" (Elena Grigorenko, Yale University).Chapter 8. "Translational Issues in the Development and Prevention of Children's Early Conduct Problems: Challenges in Transitioning from Basic to Intervention Research" (Daniel Shaw, University of Pittsburgh).