Personalize learning with MasteringGeography(tm) You are purchasing a standalone product; MasteringGeography does not come packaged with this content. MasteringGeography is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor. MasteringGeography is the leading online homework, tutorial, and assessment system designed to improve results by helping students quickly master concepts. Students benefit from self-paced tutorials featuring specific wrong-answer feedback, hints, and a huge variety of educationally effective content to keep them engaged and on track. Robust diagnostics and unrivalled gradebook reporting allow instructors to pinpoint the weaknesses and misconceptions of a student or class and to provide timely intervention. Easily assign media that is automatically graded and helps improve students'' geographic literacy and spatial reasoning skills. GeoTutor Activities address dozens of challenging geography topics and coach students towards mastery of these topics using highly visual, kinesthetic, and interactive activities and corresponding assessments, which include hints and specific wrong-answer feedback. Map Projections activities teach important, hard-to-teach foundational map concepts with interactive animations.
Learning Catalytics(tm) is a "bring your own device" student engagement, assessment, and classroom intelligence system. With Learning Catalytics you can: Assess students in real time, using open-ended tasks to probe student understanding. Understand immediately where students are and adjust your lecture accordingly. Improve your students'' critical-thinking skills. Access rich analytics to understand student performance. Add your own questions to make Learning Catalytics fit your course exactly. Manage student interactions with intelligent grouping and timing. Leverage strong pedagogical tools and a structured active learning path Geosystems in Action explore key chapter concepts with a focus on visuals and structured active learning.
Located in each chapter, each feature reinforces Earth systems methodology and connects students to related online media via QR codes. The Human Denominator features connect abstract concepts to real world environments and focuses on the human-Earth dimension of physical geography. REVISED! Geography Fundamentals provide a more comprehensive overview of the Scientific Method. Teach with current and relevant content Updated content provides students and instructors with the most significant and current information and applications. Chapter 11 on Global Climate Change provides an up-to-date overview of the current climate change science: evidence for change, climate models, climate forecasts, and ways to mitigate future change. Ginger Birkeland joins Robert Christopherson as co-author, bringing a fresh perspective and new examples that enhance the relevance of such content as Geosystems Now, Focus Studies, Critical Thinking, and GeoReports. Geosystems Now chapter-opening vignette case studies draw students into the material by discussing an interesting, current application of the chapter concepts. Geosystems Now Online is a short section at the end of Geosystems Now providing online links to additional materials for further investigation of the topics discussed.
Updated Focus Study essays present additional, in-depth discussions of key geography topics, without interrupting the flow of the core chapter narratives. These essays allow students to actively participate and engage in the content instead of just reading. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MasteringGeography does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MasteringGeography search for ISBN-10: 0321948882 /ISBN-13: 9780321948885. That package includes ISBN-10: 0321926986 /ISBN-13: 9780321926982 and ISBN-10: 0321948408 /ISBN-13: 9780321948403. MasteringGeography is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor.