Discovering Mathematics is adapted from the leading Singapore course to fully match the UK Key Stage 3 National Curriculum. This series harnesses authentic mastery principles through a Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach, and use of precise mathematical language. Students learn by discovery, an approach pioneered by this course. Written by an experienced UK/Singapore team, this Evaluation Pack contains Student Book 1B and Workbook 1B for Year 7Middle tier students, and sample material from Student Book 2B for Year 8 Middle tier. Topics in the Student Book are introduced through inclusive whole-class activities. Worked examples give clear stepsof how to present solutions, with hints and discussion points to encourage paired, group and whole-class working. Practice exercises in both the Student Book and accompanying Workbook are differentiated into three levels, progressing from basic fluency to application to problem solving, with consolidation through end-of-chapter exercises. Short answers in the back of the Student Book help students check their understanding, while the fully worked solutions in the Teacher Guide carry the new 9-1GCSE grades to help track progress.
Problem-solving questions are identified throughout to encourage connections of mathematical ideas across subjects.MyMaths links are provided in theTeacher Guide, along with cross-references to all series' components to connect teaching and learning.