Eve is a fun and insightful autobiographical book about growing up without parents, living in somewhat dire circumstances at times, the Royal Navy life at sea, military corrective training. I also cover my time working in the film industry with some of the most talented, kindest people on the planet, my world road trip filming WonderHunters, being in the thick of the largest natural disaster to hit California in decades. Why I attract Narcissistic Sociopaths into my world.Some details will be a surprise, but hope it's inspiring for others to live their dreams no matter who they were born to, where they grew up, level of education, gender, skin colour."8 million children are growing up without parents, and like me, they can turn their lives around too, they just need a little support, inspiration and why I felt inclined to write this book." April Chandler.
Forgotten : An Insightful Autobiographical Book about Growing up Without Parents