Hong Kong Notable Doctors : Individuals Who Shaped the Medical Services, 1842 - 2015
Hong Kong Notable Doctors : Individuals Who Shaped the Medical Services, 1842 - 2015
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Author(s): Chan-Yeung, Moira M. W.
ISBN No.: 9789882373549
Pages: 376
Year: 202503
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 75.90
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available (Forthcoming)

Dr. Wong Tai-wai is a specialist in Emergency Medicine and is currently working as a part time consultant in a public hospital and an Honorary Associate Professor of the Emergency Medicine Unit of the University of Hong Kong. He has published over 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals and served as editor and senior editor of the Hong Kong Medical Journal . He co-authored a book on a notable medical family with Dr. Moira M. W. Chan-Yeung: The Yu Family: A Century of Medical Excellence . His edited works included: From "Casualty" to Emergency Medicine: Half a Century of Transformation , From Breadth to Depth: 2 Decades of Advancement in Emergency Medicine , and Footprints of Medicine: From the Collections of HK Museum of Medical Sciences .

He has also written several books in Chinese in relation to the life and work of emergency physicians. Dr. Moira M. W. Chan-Yeung (1939-2024) was Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University of British Columbia and Honorary Professor of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong. She had over 40 years of experience in research and scholarship. She published 400 peer-reviewed scientific articles. Since retiring as a physician, she had turned her interest to researching and writing medical and nonmedical histories.

She published 8 such books including the three volumes of medical history by the Chinese University of Hong Kong Press. She also contributed articles regularly to the "Reminiscence: Artefacts from The Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences" section of the Hong Kong Medical Journal .

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