1. Editor's Introduction: Patterns and dynamics of Asia's growing share of FDI Philippe Gugler and Julien Chaisse Part I: Internationalisation Strategy of Emerging Asian firms: Examples from China and India 2. The Rise of Chinese Multinational Enterprises Philippe Gugler and Bertram Boie 3. International Acquisitions and the Globalization of Firms from India Andrew Delios, Ajai Singh Gaur, Shawkat Kamal 4. The reshaping of global capitalism by MNEs from emerging countries Joël Ruet Part II: Regional and National Initiatives Affecting Trade and Investment in Asia 5. Towards China's greater influence on the world's finances: A legal analysis of Chinese Overseas Direct Investment Jianqiang Nie 6. Chinese BITs in the 21st Century: Protecting Chinese Investment Jun Xiao 7. Investment Liberalization in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations: Progress, Regress or Stumbling Bloc? Darryl Jarvis, Chen Shaofeng, Tan Teck Boon 8.
Economic Impact of Investment Provisions in Asian RTAs Sebastien Miroudot Part III: Asian Interest in Multilateral Rules on Trade and Investment: A New Paradigm? 9. Dealing with the Noodle Bowl Effect in Asia: Consolidation, Multilateralization, Harmonization or Dilution? Jayant Menon 10. India's Multilayered FDI regulation: Between resistance to multilateral negotiations and unilateral proactivism Julien Chaisse, Debashis Chakraborty, Arup Guha 11. Conditions and ways of restoring investment to the WTO negotiation agenda: Establishing a linkage between BITs and WTO Chang-Fa Lo n Xiao 7. Investment Liberalization in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations: Progress, Regress or Stumbling Bloc? Darryl Jarvis, Chen Shaofeng, Tan Teck Boon 8. Economic Impact of Investment Provisions in Asian RTAs Sebastien Miroudot Part III: Asian Interest in Multilateral Rules on Trade and Investment: A New Paradigm? 9. Dealing with the Noodle Bowl Effect in Asia: Consolidation, Multilateralization, Harmonization or Dilution? Jayant Menon 10. India's Multilayered FDI regulation: Between resistance to multilateral negotiations and unilateral proactivism Julien Chaisse, Debashis Chakraborty, Arup Guha 11.
Conditions and ways of restoring investment to the WTO negotiation agenda: Establishing a linkage between BITs and WTO Chang-Fa Lo.