'I can't believe I bought a toaster with no bagel setting!' 'You're like a screw cap on a bottle of vino: common, cheap and easy.' 'Did it hurt, falling from heaven? Because I've got BUPA.' Have you ever had to buy cava because the shop's out of champagne? Ever been short of a withering yet well-bred put-down? And how does one charm a fine filly or entice a dashing stallion? Well, the struggles are real and you're not alone. Cheekily illustrated throughout, this book showcases these and other first-world problems, inventive insults and brazen chat-up lines that might find you wincing in self-recognition. AUTHOR: Sadie Cayman is a freelance writer and pilates teacher living in County Durham. She believes in seizing the day, and is partial to a good mojito.
Middle-Class Hardships : The Struggle Is Real