Cassidy on the Licensing Acts
Cassidy on the Licensing Acts
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Author(s): Cassidy, Constance
ISBN No.: 9781858002323
Year: 200111
Format: Ringbound
Price: $ 368.99
Status: Out Of Print

With the publication of the seminal work, The Licensing Acts 1833 - 1995 , Constance Cassidy provided the profession with a complete and comprehensive review of the entire code.²The author has now totally revised and updated her first edition. She brings the practitioner completely up date with all significant changes to the licensing code introduced by the Licensing (Combating Drug Abuse) Act 1997 and the Intoxicating Liquor Act 2000. ²In particular this latest edition focuses on:²* The Publican's Right to Refuse in the context of the Equal Status Act 2000 ²* Under Age Offences: mandatory temporary closure orders for licensed premises and clubs²* Drugs Legislation: suspension and/or forfeiture of intoxicating liquor licences, temporary or permanent revocation of music and singing and public dancing licences²* Major Reforms in applications for on licences and off-licences²* Intoxicating Liquor Commission: up to date recommendations²* Permitted Hours: Changes for pubs, supermarkets, restaurants and clubs²* Hotel Licences: upgrading to publicans licences²* Special Restaurant Licences²* Supermarkets: No need to sell intoxicating liquor from behind counters²* Wine Retailers²* Application for grant, transfer or renewal of a Licence: Need to produce additional documentation ²* Authorised Event Orders.

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