Media and Gender
Media and Gender
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Author(s): Carter, Cynthia
ISBN No.: 9780335210978
Pages: 384
Year: 200312
Format: Perfect (Trade Paper)
Price: $ 47.96
Status: Out Of Print

SERIES EDITOR'S FOREWORD ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FOR READINGS 1. INTRODUCTION TO CRITICAL READINGS: MEDIA AND GENDER Cynthia Carter and Linda Steiner 2. MAPPING THE CONTESTED TERRAIN OF MEDIA AND GENDER RESEARCH Cynthia Carter and Linda Steiner PART I: TEXTS IN CONTEXT 3.From Mrs Happyman to Kissing Chaps Goodbye: Advertising Reconstructs Femininity Myra Macdonald 4.The Politics of the Smile: 'Soft News' and the Sexualization of the Popular Press Patricia Holland 5.Murder, Gender, and the Media: Sexualizing Politics and Violence Saraswati Sunindyo 6.Old Strategies for New Texts: How American Television is Creating and Treating Lesbian Characters Marguerite Moritz 7.Pretty Tough: The Cult of Femininity in Women's Magazines Sherrie A.

Inness PART II - (RE)PRODUCING GENDER 8.The Impact of Media Monitoring Margaret Gallagher 9.The Great Rock and Roll Swindle: The Representation of Women in the British Rock Music Press Helen Davies 10.Losing Fear: Video and Radio Productions of Native Aymara Women Carmen Ruíz 11.The Commercialization of Masculinities: From the 'New Man' to the 'New Lad' John Beynon 12.Women and the Internet: The Natural History of a Research Project Anne Scott, Lesley Semmens and Lynette Willoughby PART III - AUDIENCES AND IDENTITIES 13.Knowing Pornography Robert Jensen 14.Sapphires, Spitfires, Sluts, and Superbitches: Aframericans and Latinas in Contemporary Hollywood Film Elizabeth Hadley Freydberg 15.

Women and Soap Operas: Resistive Readings Mary Ellen Brown 16.Freud vs Women: The Popularization of Therapy on Daytime Talk Shows Jane Shattuc 16.What Girls Want: The Intersections of Leisure and Power in Female Computer Game Play Heather Gilmour GLOSSARY MEDIA AND GENDER VIDEO RESOURCES INDEX.

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