1. Introduction PART I COUNTERING MIGRANT-SMUGGLING: EU POLICIES AND ACTORS 2. Countering Migrant-Smuggling: The EU's Policy Approach I. The EU Facilitators Package in Light of UN Standards II. Assessing Impact of the EU's Facilitators Package on Civil Society Actors 3. The Role of EU Agencies in Countering Migrant-Smuggling I. Europol II. Eurojust III.
Frontex IV. Role of EASO in Hotspots V. Role of EU-led Military Operations - EUNAVFOR MED Sophia in Central Mediterranean VI. A Multi-Agency Approach to Countering Migrant-Smuggling PART II THE IMPACTS OF ANTI-MIGRANTSMUGGLING POLICIES ON CIVIL SOCIETY 4. Anti-Smuggling in National Law and Perceptions among Civil Society Actors I. Italy II. Greece III. Hungary IV.
UK 5. Effects of Countering Facilitation of Entry on Civil Society Actors Involved at External EU Sea and Land Borders I. Sea Borders and Search and Rescue II. Land Borders and Humanitarian Assistance 6. Humanitarian Assistance in the Context of the EU Hotspots Approach I. Italy: Hotspots in Southern Sicily II. Greece: Hotspot in Lesvos Island 7. The Effects of Countering Facilitation of Residence: Access to Services and Rights I.
Italy: Cases of Rome and Ventimiglia II. Greece: Case of Athens and Thessaloniki III. Hungary: Budapest and Szeged IV. The UK: 'Hostile Environment' in London PART III CONCEPTUALISING THE EFFECTS OF EU ANTI-MIGRANT-SMUGGLING POLICIES ON CIVIL SOCIETY 8. The Three Faces of Policing the Mobility Society in the EU 9. Conclusions I. Impacts on Civil Society Actors II. Impact on Society as a Whole: Liberal Democracy, Refugees and the Crisis of Exclusion.