1. Historical review: strength of materials and fracture mechanics.- 1.1 Classical theories of failure.- 1.2 Crack tip stress intensity factor and energy release rate.- 1.3 Other fracture criteria.
- References.- 2. Fracture of concrete and brittle materials.- 2.1 Crack surface friction.- 2.2 Statistical theories.- 2.
3 Mechanical damage and strain-softening behavior of concrete.- 2.4 Strain energy density theory.- References.- 3. Three-point bending of slab with edge crack.- 3.1 Step-by-step analysis of material damage and crack growth.
- 3.2 Effect of material properties.- 3.3 Load step influence on crack growth.- 3.4 Scaling of geometrically similar specimens.- References.- 4.
Center cracked slab in tension.- 4.1 Introduction.- 4.2 Influence of initial crack length.- 4.3 Loading step variation.- 4.
4 Size scale effect of center cracked slab.- References.- 5. Off-center compression of slab with edge crack.- 5.1 Preliminary information.- 5.2 Load eccentricity effect.
- 5.3 Variation in loading step.- 5.4 Scaling in size.- References.- 6. Steel reinforced beam with crack in bending.- 6.
1 Traditional approach.- 6.2 Linear elastic fracture mechanics.- 6.3 Non-linear model with material damage and softening.- References.- 7. Panel with opening and diagonal cracks.
- 7.1 Infilled frames and seismic loadings.- 7.2 Variation in opening size.- 7.3 Variation in loading step.- 7.4 Size scale effect of panel with opening.
- References.- 8. Fracture testing and design.- 8.1 Model scaling and physical similitude.- 8.2 Experimental investigation.- 8.
3 Statistical strength variation.- 8.4 Simplified models.- References.- Author index.