To those with addiction, there is hope. If you are reading this you may have hope that you can stop, or stay stopped. Perhaps you are a family member or friend of a person in active addiction. That is fine too - this book can help you understand and perhaps cope, as well. This book lays out my own experiences and how I have been able to stay sober since 2013. You can do it, too. I genuinely want to help you. I have been in your shoes.
I have been in the grips of addiction. I am using a pen name. Mark Carlson is not my real name. I am a Boston-based lawyer and businessman in my 30's. For professional reasons I am using a pen name. Everything in this book I lived and learned through personal experience. I have also interviewed others for this book. I have interviewed other addicts who are now sober, as well as some of my family members.
These varied perspectives I think are helpful to understanding addiction. I have also assigned these people pen names. With the exception of the interview content, one hundred percent of the substance of this book came from my own experiences, thoughts, opinions, reflections, observations or analysis. I performed no outside research or reading. Additionally, I am not a doctor, researcher, therapist or academic. I do not intend to present this book as a scientific, medical or academic authority. So, please, do not interpret it in these respects. Notably, I use the word "addict" or "addiction" a lot in this book.
My own experience is based on an addiction to alcohol. I know other people who have described addiction to drugs in the same way I experienced an addiction to alcohol. Therefore, I use the word "addiction" as it relates to alcohol and drugs somewhat interchangeably in this book. This book generally addresses the phenomenon of addiction to a substance and how to liberate from it. This book does not intend to address addictions to other things or behaviors. I wrote this with the intent of trying to help others either get sober, stay sober, or understand what its like to be an alcoholic. I truly hope this book helps at least one person.