WORD MODULES. 5. Working with Templates, Themes, and Styles. 6. Using Mail Merge. 7. Collaborating with Others and Integrating Data. EXCEL MODULES.
5. Generating Reports from Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks: Summarizing Profit and Loss Statements. 6. Managing Data with Data Tools: Analyzing Employment Data. 7. Summarizing Data with PivotTables: Developing a Customer Relationship Management Workbook. 8. Performing What-If Analyses: Maximizing Profits with the Right Product Mix.
ACCESS MODULES. 5. Creating Advanced Queries and Enhancing Table Design. 6. Using Form Tools and Creating Custom Forms. 7. Creating Custom Reports. 8.
Sharing, Integrating, and Analyzing Data. POWERPOINT MODULES. 3. Applying Advanced Formatting to Objects: Formatting Objects in a Presentation for a Custom Stationery Company. 4. Advanced Animations and Distributing Presentations: Creating an Advanced Presentation for a Home Staging Company.