WORD MODULES.Module 8: Customizing Word and Automating Your Work: Automating a Document for a Rock Climbing Gym.Module 9: Creating Online Forms Using Advanced Table Techniques: Developing an Order Form.Module 10: Managing Long Documents: Creating a Survey Report for a Personal Chef Associatio. ****NOTE: IS 'Associatio' SUPPOSED TO BE 'Association'?? OR MAYBE IT SHOULDN'T BE THERE AT ALL?EXCEL MODULES.Module 9: Exploring Financial Tools and Functions: Analyzing a Business Plan.Module 10: Analyzing Data with Business Intelligence Tools: Presenting Sales and Revenue Data.Module 11: Exploring PivotTable Design: Summarizing Sales and Revenue Data.
Module 12: Developing an Excel Application: Creating a Data Entry App Case Problems. ***[NOTE: SHOULD 'a' BE DELETED OR SHOULD 'Problems' BE 'Problem'??]***ACCESS MODULES.Module 9: Using Action Queries and Advanced Table Relationships: Enhancing User Interaction with the Health Database.Module 10: Automating Tasks with Macros: Creating a User Interface for the Health Database.Module 11: Using and Writing Visual Basic for Applications Code: Creating VBA Code for the Health Database.Module 12: Managing and Securing a Database: Administering the Health Database.POWERPOINT MODULES.Module 5: Integrating PowerPoint with Other Programs: Creating a Presentation for a Rowing Convention.
Module 6: Customizing Presentations and the PowerPoint Environment: Creating a Presentation for a City-Wide Green Challenge.