WESTERN STORIES is the second volume of screenplays by Joe Carducci. These are the westerns he's written since Wyoming Stories was published in 2007. They are set in New Mexico and Arizona primarily although the western epic, The Company and the Gunman, about the Overland Stage Co. and its security agent Jack Slade, ranges from Wyoming to bloody Kansas, gaslight New York, goldrush California, and Lincoln's Washington, D.C. Other Carducci screenplay volumes (Crime Stories, Punk Stories) are being prepared. Joe Carducci is best known as the author of two books of music history, Rock and the Pop Narcotic, and Enter Naomi - SST, L.A.
and All That., and another on film history, Stone Male - Requiem for The Living Picture, plus the collection, Life Against Dementia - Essays, Reviews, Interviews 1975-2011.