The new edition of this comprehensive text continues to cover ethical principles from the perspective of the practicing paralegal. By emphasizing how the rules affect legal assistants, The author gives students a valuable preview of practice. the Fourth Edition retains the features that earned the book such widespread use: comprehensive coverage of all the major areas of legal ethics, including unauthorized practice of law, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, advertising and solicitation, fees an client funds, competence, special issues in advocacy, and professionalism effective pedagogy that reinforces the clear text consistent chapter structure, opening with an overview, introducing key terms in italics, using cases to demonstrate how the principles and rules are applied, and ending with review and discussion questions useful appendices provide the text of relevant ethical codes the expertise of Therese A. Cannon, a well-known and highly respected legal educator flexible text that is easily adaptable to courses of different lengths, and can be used in substantive courses for additional ethics coverage These important updates address: recent revisions to ethics rules, particularly the ABA Model Rules on which many of the 2002 state rules were based the new ethics advisory opinions and court cases affecting the regulation of paralegals Please visit the new companion website to learn more about this book. Website:
Ethics and Professional Responsibility for Legal Assistants