Have you ever looked at how much waste you throw away in a week? A month? A year? And thought that you should cut back on it, but not known how to start? For Karen Cannard it all started with a New Year's resolution well, one of many to throw less away. She faced the difficult issues everyone comes across: where to shop, how not to waste food when you have young children whose minds change from one moment to the next, how to fit waste problems around the school run and how to avoid buying packaged food (which includes almost everything) particularly when you're travelling. But within weeks she had slimmed her bin from two to three fifty-litre bags of landfill waste in a two-week period to just one sticking plaster. The additional outcome was www.therubbishdiet.co.uk and, in The Rubbish Diet, Karen distils her own experience and that of visitors to her blog to provide practical hints and tips on how to cut your waste from recycling the easy products and composting food to what to do about the seriously tricky products such as plastic and disposable nappies. Live better and waste less with the handy hints and tips from The Rubbish Diet to make your bin a size zero.
The Rubbish Diet : Achieve Zero Waste in 8 Weeks