The Only Certification Study System Based on 300,000+ Hours of IT Training Experience100% Complete Coverage--All official test objectives for the Dreamweaver MX certification exam are covered in detail Hands-on Exercises--Step-by-step instruction modeled after classroom labs Exam Watch--Warnings based on thorough post-exam research identifying the most troublesome exam topics and how to answer them correctly Three Types of Practice Questions--Knowledge, scenario, and lab-based questions, all with in-depth answers From the Classroom--Discussions of important issues direct from the classroom Full coverage of the topics you need to review, including how to: Define a new site and define an existing site Create a document and set page properties Achieve page layout with tables, frames, and layers Add content to the source code Create image maps, jump menus, and navigation bars and add links Build forms and insert form objects Work with behaviors Build Web applications and add server-side functionality Manage HTML and CSS styles Manage content and work with templates Set up preview browsers Test, troubleshoot, and manage your Web site Included on the CD-ROM: CD TrainingElectronic book--Searchable version of the Study Guide Sample Graphics--Illustrations help you complete exercises from the book Master ExamComplete Practice Exam--Exclusive Dreamweaver MX certification exam simulation with questions found only on the CD-ROM Detailed Answers--Explain why the correct options are right and why the incorrect options are wrong Score Report--Provides overall assessment of performance and indicates subject areas requiring further study PLUS: (with free on-lineregistration)MasterExam--Additional Dreamweaver MX certification exam simulation download LearnKey Training--Includes additional training on Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Flash.
Dreamweaver Developer Certification Study Guide