Live and Let Spy
Live and Let Spy
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Author(s): Cage, Elizabeth
ISBN No.: 9781481420792
Pages: 192
Year: 201311
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 17.55
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Chapter One "Holy cow!" Theresa Hearth said as she checked out the spread of Godiva and strawberries on the huge conference table before her. "This is a diabetic''s worst nightmare." Caylin Pike grinned. "That which does not kill you will only make you fatter." She popped a plump strawberry into her mouth for emphasis. "Like you have to worry about getting fat," Theresa muttered. "Run any marathons this morning?" Caylin flipped her blond ponytail behind her and fired a roundhouse kick into the air. "Just a ten-K.

But I did foil a few muggings on the way home." "The world should know better than to mess with you, right?" Jo Carreras added, her dark eyes sparkling. "Right." Caylin straightened her sweatshirt and gracefully slid into one of the massive conference room chairs. Her every move was lithe and athletic. "So what''s the deal with this room? It''s big enough for a game of racquetball. And it looks so. sterile.

" "No kidding," Theresa replied, scanning the high white walls and hidden fluorescent lights. The chamber had to be at least a hundred feet long and thirty feet wide. The only furnishings were the gigantic white conference table and three expensive-looking white leather chairs. One chair for each of the Spy Girls. "Sometimes The Tower really creeps me out," Theresa remarked. She ran a hand nervously through her tousled brown hair "It''s like they plan everything with only us in mind." "Like they know what we''re thinking at all times," Jo agreed. She approached one of the empty chairs tentatively, then tippy-tapped away in her Manolo Blahnik mules.

"Sit down, you guys." Caylin said impatiently. "I bet the show''s not going to start until we''re all in our seats." Theresa and Jo remained rooted to the glossy, futuristic hospital-white floor. Caylin''s blue eyes widened indignantly. "What, do you think the chairs will flip over backward and set you on fire like in Austin Powers?" Theresa laughed. "I loved that part." "Hey, not funny," Jo pleaded.

"There''s something about this room that.I don''t know. It''s freaky." "Look, The Tower handpicked us to save the world, remember?" Caylin said. "We''re the good guys. Nothing bad''s going to happen to us here." Theresa snagged a piece of chocolate and slowly sat down. The chair was surprisingly soft and comfortable.

No fire, no flipping. "You know, Jo does have a point," she began. "This is the kind of room where presidents decide which countries to bomb. We trained in this building for four months and we didn''t even know this room existed. Good guys or not, doesn''t that weird you out in the slightest?" "Nope," Caylin replied, popping another juicy berry. "Whoa! Careful with that juice, Cay," Jo warned as she sat down gingerly in the last remaining empty chair. "Would you like the honor of paying my next dry-cleaning bill?" Caylin pretended to lob a chocolate in Jo''s direction. "What do you care when The Tower''s picking up the tab?" "Oh yeah.

you''re right." Jo smoothed her pristine Prada pencil skirt over her knees. "So why did we get summoned here, anyway?" Caylin sipped from a bottle of water. "I guess we''ve got another secret mission ahead of us." "But we only got back from England forty-eight hours ago," Theresa moaned. "Yeah," Jo chimed in. "That''s not even enough time to go shopping, let alone celebrate our first victorious mission." Caylin grinned.

"We did kick butt." "You expected anything less?" Jo declared, reaching across the table and high-fiving her comrades. "The Spy Girls rule!" "Well, we''ve only had one mission," Theresa said cautiously. "We''re no Jane Bonds yet." "I sure think we are," Caylin insisted. "Boy, T., you need to get your nose out of your laptop and take a good look around you. We totally saved the world last week.

Didn''t you notice?" "Yeah." Theresa chuckled. "But didn''t you notice how we almost got completely killed in the process? Hmmm.maybe all that bungee jumping has rattled your brain." "And all that hacking has fried yours," Caylin said, giggling. Theresa stuck out her tongue. "You couldn''t hack your way out of a dressing room." "Look, all joking aside," Jo interrupted with a smile, "don''t forget that that''s the whole point.

" Theresa lifted an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" "I mean, Caylin doesn''t have to hack her way out of a dressing room because you can. Just like you don''t have to bungee jump off Hoover Dam because Caylin can. We''re all here because our skills complement each other, you know?" Theresa gave Caylin a knowing look "Hmmm.Jo must have been taking notes during our orientation speech." "Naw, Jo was just paying extra-special attention to that speechifying hottie," Caylin quipped. "So," Theresa mused, "if I''m Henrietta Hacker and Caylin is Action Jackson, then what does that make you, Jo?" Jo half dosed her eyelids. "I''m the seductress.

" Theresa and Caylin groaned and pelted Jo with strawberries. "My skirt!" Jo yelped. "Hey, watch the couture, okay?" Their giggling stopped when the fights suddenly went dim. That could mean only one thing. "Uncle Sam, is that you?" Theresa asked. A low, powerful hum grew all around them. The Spy Girls glanced nervously at one another. The sound was everywhere, as if it came from deep within The Tower itself.

Slowly, on the far wall, a panel slid open and a giant screen appeared. It glowed eerily. Blank. "Time for Captain Kangaroo?" Jo whispered. "Shhh," Theresa warned. Her heart pounded. She watched, hypnotized with curiosity, as The Tower''s fearless leader, Uncle Sam, appeared on-screen. Fearless -- and faceless.

His image was digitally altered, pixilated like a surprise witness''s on Court TV. These tiny electronic dots mixed with black, murky shadows to create an image that was more Grim Reaper than Guy Smiley. "Welcome home, ladies," Uncle Sam said, his honey-rich voice full of pride. "And how are my favorite international spies doing today?" "Ab fab," Jo said with a purr in her voice. "But we had no idea how terribly boring London could be this time of year, dahling. Was it the off-season for intrigue?" "Hmmm, I believe it was," Caylin chimed in, employing her impeccable British accent. "Do send us somewhere a trifle more challenging this time, Samuel. I''m dying to know what''s next.

" "Don''t die just yet, Caylin." Uncle Sam said ominously. "There''ll be plenty of time for that later." The girls glanced nervously at one another. Theresa gulped. Was good old Uncle Sammy serious? The big screen was filled with the image of a sprawling, high-tech building. "This is the U.S.

headquarters of InterCorp," Uncle Sam stated. "A multinational corporation that has reportedly been behind some of the more unsavory ventures in recent history. Toxic waste dumping, chemical weapons manufacturing, industrial espionage, you name it. Although we''ve kept the company under surveillance for years, no one has been able to dig up enough dirt to shut them down." "I read an article about this company," Theresa said. "Supposedly key people who work for their competitors have a tendency to ''disappear.''" "Supposedly," Jo spat. "Yeah, right.

" The other girls knew not to comment when Jo used that tone of voice. That tone meant she was thinking of her father, a Miami judge who was gunned down right before the fourteen-year-old eyes of Josefina Mercedes Carreras while trying to convict a drug lord. Four years had passed since, but time had done little to soften the blow. Sure, Jo could easily hide her pain behind her naturally fun and flirty facade. But mentions of murder usually sent her crashing and burning. "Like most people who run an empire with this much money and power, they want only one thing: more," Uncle Sam continued. "And they''ll do anything to get it." "Real sweethearts," Theresa said glibly, rolling her eyes.

A picture of an older, distinguished-looking man filled the screen. "This is Mitchell von Strauss, president of InterCorp," Uncle Sam said. "One of the most intelligent -- and ruthless -- businessmen in the world. His accomplishments speak for themselves. Unfortunately his methods do, too. He eliminates his competition -- some say literally. One magazine compared him to a dangerous dictator -- someone who thinks he can use any means to achieve his goals. Even murder.

" "Disgusting," Jo said. Her dark eyes shot daggers at the image of von Strauss. Suddenly a new image appeared on-screen. Jo''s eyes instantly melted as she took in the vision of a tall, blond hottie with a deep tan and deeper dimples. Ooh-la-la! The one thing that could send Jo''s caution, judgment, and common sense flying right out the window. Ding! "This is Ewan Gallagher, InterCorp''s head of international relations, " Uncle Sam explained. "Relations?" Jo echoed. "Mmm.

I can relate." "He was a boy genius," Uncle Sam continued. "Graduated high school at fourteen, top of his class at Harvard at seventeen. Now, at just twenty four, he''s one of the most powerful men in international business." Jo was practically drooling on the table. "Wow," Caylin whispered. She looked as if she would hyperventilate at any second. It wasn''t like Caylin to be out of breath.

But Jo sure couldn''t blame her. "Come on, you guys," Theresa muttered. "Can''t you tell he''s a guy who''d sell his mother on the black market?" "So?" Jo replied dreamily. "So, do you remember Antonio? The gu.

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