Be a Network Marketing Superstar : The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible
Be a Network Marketing Superstar : The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible
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Author(s): Christensen, Mary
ISBN No.: 9780814474310
Edition: Special
Pages: 160
Year: 200705
Format: Perfect (Trade Paper)
Price: $ 24.83
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

If you want to achieve supreme success in network marketing, you need to use the techniques used by network marketing megastars. This invaluable guide contains a powerful, 26-step program that will help you: * master the six core skills of successful network marketing * sharpen your salesmanship * become more persuasive * build relationships * overcome roadblocks * radiate positive energy * find and attract quality people * be a powerful coach and mentor. Packed with helpful worksheets and exercises, this inspiring resource gives you the tools and confidence you need to become a superstar moneymaker. Advance Praise for Be a Network MarketIng Superstar "I love this book! Everyone considering a part- or full-time career in network marketing should read it. It offers a road map to success that is very practical, simple, and duplicable. From beginning to end, Mary offers valuable insights from her unmatched experience in network marketing that will get results. It will be a favorite with new distributors, seasoned network marketing leaders, and corporate staff." -- Craig Dalley, Executive Director, US Sales, Nature's Sunshine Products "This book takes the mystery out of how to succeed in network marketing regardless of the product or service being sold and regardless of whether the primary selling and recruiting tactic is party plan or person-to-person.

This book is not about hype, but is full of substantive advice, including interactive exercises to help one create an 'action plan for success' as they read the book. It will enhance the work and lives of network marketers everywhere. This book is also an easy read because Mary has a unique ability to share valuable experiences and guidelines in such a very concise way." -- John Fleming, Publisher and Editor in Chief, Direct Selling News Mary Christensen has more than 25 years of experience in network marketing, having recruited more than 1,000 people in her first year, and later holding executive roles in two multinational network marketing corporations where she helped thousands to succeed. Wayne Christensen , previously an award-winning creative director, now writes full-time.

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