Faking Shapely Fiction : Tricks, Shortcuts, False Fronts, Sleight-Of-Hand Techniques, and Other Cunningly-Engineered Deceptions for the Hard-Working Fict
Faking Shapely Fiction : Tricks, Shortcuts, False Fronts, Sleight-Of-Hand Techniques, and Other Cunningly-Engineered Deceptions for the Hard-Working Fict
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Author(s): Byers, Michael
ISBN No.: 9780692130070
Year: 201807
Format: Digest Paperback (Mass Market)
Price: $ 16.56
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available (Forthcoming)

The craft book you can actually use! Faking Shapely Fiction is gritty, granular, and straightforward.

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