Dr Henry Moss is a decent, gentle, committed physician whose life's work is the study of Hickman Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that causes rapid ageing and premature death in children. While working with a young Hickman's sufferer, Giles, Moss discovers that Giles's teenage brother Thomas also carries the fatal gene combination but displays no symptoms. In fact he is radiantly healthy, and Moss identifies a secondary mutation that seems to be helping Thomas defy the ageing process. This astonishing discovery could earn Moss millions of dollars. He could also use it to save the life of his favourite patient, William Durbin, who is 14 years old and has very little time to live. But in order to do that, he must act quickly. Whatever decision he makes, there will be a loser, but will it be Moss, his family or William? Set in Seattle during the dot.com boom, Long for this World is a gripping story of medical ethics.
Byers writes with honesty and wit about the human condition and the hurdles to be overcome in order to do the right thing.