The Secret Life of Oceans is a collection of delightful stories and engaging facts, which imparts a love of Oceans and nature on the next generation, inspiring them to look after the world around them. *2024 CBC Librarian FAVORITES* Did you know that blue whales are the largest creatures on earth ? And that corals are actually tiny creatures ? Let Tia the green turtle guide you through this beautiful first guide to oceanlife around the globe . Learn about ocean homes and who lives where, big creatures ( whales and whale sharks ), little creatures ( baby animals to zooplankton ), incredible journeys, sea weather , and how to help save our oceans. Read magical folklore sea stories from around the planet, too. Tia has learnt much on her travels and she will be a great guide for young readers , perhaps inspiring them to develop a lifelong love of life under the ocean. Following on from The Secret of Trees , The Secret Life of Bees , and The Secret Life of Birds , Oceans is the next book in the series. Sumptuous and detailed illustrations have pride of place in this magical book that mixes natural history with a splash of fantasy, creating a book to be pored over time and again .
The Secret Life of Oceans