List of illustrations Foreword Claire Warden Acknowledgements PART 1 Introduction: Dance, Modernism, and Modernity Ramsay Burt and Michael Huxley Dance and Modernism: A Historiographical Consideration Michael Huxley and Ramsay Burt Dance and Modernism: Natural Dancing and Modernity Ramsay Burt and Michael Huxley Dance and Modernism: Transnational Currents Ramsay Burt and Michael Huxley PART 2 Wassily Kandinsky, Dance, and Interdisciplinary Modernism 1908-1914 Michael Huxley Breaking into the Male Modernist World: Akarova and Margaret Morris Ramsay Burt Modernist Dance, War, and Precarious Life: Isadora Duncan and Mary Wigman Ramsay Burt The New Ballet: Kurt Jooss, Ballet and Modernity Michael Huxley The New Ballet: Antony Tudor's Jardin aux Lilas and the Loss of Gesture Ramsay Burt Breaking Boundaries: Hanya Holm from Trend to My Fair Lady Michael Huxley Modernity, Ritual and Diasporic Culture: Katherine Dunham and Berto Pasuka Ramsay Burt Afterword Ramsay Burt and Michael Huxley Index Burt and Michael Huxley PART 2 Wassily Kandinsky, Dance, and Interdisciplinary Modernism 1908-1914 Michael Huxley Breaking into the Male Modernist World: Akarova and Margaret Morris Ramsay Burt Modernist Dance, War, and Precarious Life: Isadora Duncan and Mary Wigman Ramsay Burt The New Ballet: Kurt Jooss, Ballet and Modernity Michael Huxley The New Ballet: Antony Tudor's Jardin aux Lilas and the Loss of Gesture Ramsay Burt Breaking Boundaries: Hanya Holm from Trend to My Fair Lady Michael Huxley Modernity, Ritual and Diasporic Culture: Katherine Dunham and Berto Pasuka Ramsay Burt Afterword Ramsay Burt and Michael Huxley Index > Breaking Boundaries: Hanya Holm from Trend to My Fair Lady Michael Huxley Modernity, Ritual and Diasporic Culture: Katherine Dunham and Berto Pasuka Ramsay Burt Afterword Ramsay Burt and Michael Huxley Index.
Dance, Modernism, and Modernity