What can Kyle, Cartman, Kenny and Stan teach us about imagination, logic and reason? IsĀ South Park anti-religion? Is this tiny town in the Rockies democratic, anarchic, or something else? Will Mr. Garrison and Big Gay Al ever be happy together in gay marriage? In the six years since the original publication of South Park and Philosophy , the lives of Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny have become only more dysfunctional--too much dysfunctionality to pass up, in fact. Reflecting this wealth of fearless new comedic material, The Ultimate South Park and Philosophy presents a compilation of serious philosophical reflections on the twisted insights of the characters in TV's most irreverent animated series. Burning philosophical questions addressed by notable thinkers in this new volume include blasphemy and Scientology, Apple and iPads, the problems of evil and guilt, and why the Crack Baby Athletic Association is wrong on so many levels. Topical issues warranting further philosophical consideration include the problem of Big Gay Al and marriage, faith in God in a world of Cartmanland-type evil, and, of course, if Kyle was on to something when he questioned whether his existence was reality or just a dream. Combining an irreverence of its own with the minimal legal amount of philosophy, The Ultimate South Park and Philosophy allows readers to gain a deeper appreciation for South Park and a greater respect for the philosophah that springs from "Out of the potty-mouths of babes .".
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