The Pilgrim's Progress, Part 1, chronicles the epic adventure of a man named Christian who leaves his home and family in the City of Destruction to begin a lifelong quest for the Celestial City. In Part 2, his wife, Christiana, must now examine her own beliefs while grieving her husband's death. She's torn between following Christian on a hazardous pilgrimage along a narrow way or staying in the place she knows best, the City of Destruction.The harsh journey is wrought with obstacles, danger, and peril, and many have turned back for fear of their lives. Can she and her four boys really make it there, joining Christian and being rewarded with everlasting life? She just has to believe they can. Thus begins one family's eternal quest to follow their husband and father into the kingdom of glory.Losing no faithfulness to Bunyan's original text, The Pilgrim's Progress, Part 2 Christiana's Journey follows the adventures of Christiana, her four boys, and a host of memorable characters who either help or hinder their progress on their journey to faith.
The Pilgrim's Progress Part 2 Christiana's Journey : A Readable Modern-Day Version of John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress Part 2 (Revised and Easy-To-read) (the Pilgrim's Progress Series Book 2)