Introduction *Part I: The Challenge* Is the IB Research Agenda Running out of Steam? *Part II: The Response Strategic Complexity in International Business* Internationalisation, Real Options, Knowledge Management and the Uppala Approach * Globalisation and the End of Competition * Trust in International Joint Ventures * The Challenges of the New Economics for Multinational Firms: Lessons for South-east Asia *Part III: Knowledge Management in Multinational Firms* Process and Structure in Knowledge Management * Practices of British and US Multinational Enterprises * Governing Knowledge Sharing in Multinational Enterprises *Part IV: Empirics* The Evolution of FDI in the United States in the Context of Trade Liberalisation and Regionalisation * The Impact of Inward FDI on the Performance of Chinese Manufacturing Firms * FDI, Regional Difference and Economic Growth: Panel Data * Evidence from China * Incentives to Transfer Profits: A Japanese Perspective * A Survey-based Investigation of the Determinants of FDI in Portugal.
Challenge of International Business