"The Other Princess is a poignant intimate portrait of the extraordinary life of Sarah Forbes Bonetta. Bryce's sweeping novel is brimming with richly detailed history as she transports readers throughout Victorian England and West Africa in this unforgettable story. This is a must-read for historical fiction lovers!" -- Chanel Cleeton, NYT & USA Today Bestselling Author of The Cuban Heiress "Intricately researched and written with vivid detail, The Other Princess is a powerful, sweeping saga of resilience, of a young princess ripped from all she knows and thrust into a world not of her choosing. A must read!" -- Eliza Knight, USA Today and international bestselling author of Starring Adele Astaire "In The Other Princess, Denny S. Bryce brings to life the little-known story of Aina, the daughter of a chieftain in West Africa, who later becomes Queen Victoria's goddaughter, Sarah Forbes Bonetta, a real historical figure new to me. Engrossing, unique, The Other Princess vividly depicts Aina's intelligence and love for music and Western literature, as well as her destiny and dilemma as a black princess in a Victorian court. A stunning saga of tragedies, trials, and triumphs, this is a remarkably told story of a remarkable woman!" -- Weina Dai Randel, Wall Street Journal Bestselling author of The Last Rose of Shanghai and Night Angels "The Other Princess by Denny S. Bryce is a well-paced, riveting novel showcasing the complexities of Sarah/Aina, a woman born of a royal African lineage who is gifted into a royal Victorian household.
Bryce leads the reader on a fascinating journey of discovery that delivers all the feels--the beauty, the romance, the danger, and politics of a woman trying to find her place in time and a country to call home." -- Vanessa Riley, bestselling author of Island Queen and Queen of Exiles.