This book is for all those people that had the perfect life, and that don't want to be unappreciative, but yet knew or knows that there were things associated with their yesterday that they must deal with and learn to not allow it to affect them today. The small things that one just can't seem to work around are actually more than 'small things'. They are generational understandings that represent more than one's morning cup of Joe. Some think or refer to them as 'curses'. They are not trivial. Happiness is not trivial. A happy home is not trivial. They are wavebands of understanding that were originally designed to keep up with the changes of time and life.
There is help. In How to Defeat the Generational Curse (My Walk with Bi-polar Disorder) I present my life: the good, the bad, and the ugly that makes me not only the happy person that I am , but the part that makes me a psychological misfit. The amazing thing is I lived not only to embrace my demons, but to now lead a life free from any broken circles of life or free from blocked rites of passage caused by someone else's goals for my life. I not only survive; I thrive.