Praise for My Teacher is a Robot: "Brown's madcap comics-style book, with dialogue in speech bubbles, lets Fred's thoughts run wild, with spiders, dinosaurs and mayhem visiting the classroom." -- The New York Times Book Review "An entertaining romp through the mind of a child who refuses to settle for boring." -Kirkus Reviews " Sure to be a hit because of the large, colorful illustrations. A great pick for a read-aloud to first and second graders who will understand the concept of not wanting to go to school but enjoying it anyway." --School Library Journal Praise for Lucy & Andy Neanderthal: A Junior Library Guild Selection A New York Public Library's Best 50 Books for Kids 2016 Pick A Chicago Public Library's Best of the Best 2016 List Pick A 2016 National Parenting Product Award-winner Debuted at #14 on the Indie Early & Middle Grade Bestseller List "Kids will learn a great deal about the Neanderthals while laughing their way through the story. Brown demonstrates a depth of knowledge of the subject, with a few winking anachronisms." -School Library Journal "Lucy & Andy are Stone Age rock stars! I loved this book!" -Lincoln Peirce, author of the Big Nate series "Jeffrey Brown returns from a galaxy far, far away to bring us a whole new slew of kid-friendly characters! Just beware of mammoth dung!" -Keith Knight, author of Jake the Fake and The Knight Life "Every kid will love to go back in time with LUCY & ANDY!" -Judd Winick, author of Hilo: The Boy Who Saved the World.
My Teacher Is a Robot