This comprehensive treatise brings you up-to-date on the state of the law of scientific evidence, and familiarizes you with all of the major approaches to presenting and using scientific and technical evidence and experts in today's courtrooms. In a highly accessible single volume, this valuable resource provides timely, in-depth analysis, proven techniques and 'how to' tips for using scientific and technical evidence and experts to your client's best advantage. You'll find helpful checklists for evaluating the qualifications of scientific experts-- sources, a sample contract, sample engagement letter and non-disclosure agreement for retaining them-- specific guidance for supporting and working with scientific expert witnesses to optimize their utilization while minimizing their costs; -- and more. You'll also find a wealth of expertly prepared practice tools to save you time and make you more effective in dealing with scientific testimony (sample motions and briefs-- sample contracts and agreements for hiring and working with scientific experts-- and checklists for selecting scientific experts). You'll also get guidelines for effectively using demonstrative evidence such as charts and diagrams, practical case studies that illustrate proper methodology and testing in environmental toxicology and environmental chemistry-- hints for simplifying the science for the judge and jury-- and more!.
Scientific Evidence and Experts Handbook