A moving and emotional guide to little-known saints and martyrs - the servile and unprivileged slave girls - poor, humble, and simple -Remarkable women of unbelievable strength, courage, and integrity! They overcame all adversity and paid the highest price for faith and freedom!They were true heroes! They must be remembered!This is a book for all people who value faith, freedom, and equality - and want to see it preserved amidst secular, socialist, and divisive pressures - especially young women, immigrants, minorities, and people who feel marginalized, denigrated, and persecuted.Not just dry history, but riveting amazing stories from 33 to 313 AD!Heartbreaking, but at the same time inspiring! - Deep insights into the thoughts and acts of those who sacrificed everything for their religious belief, their personal liberty, and their intrinsic self-worth.
Passion of the Slave Girls